Friday, November 30, 2018

Quilted Hood, Gold and Maroon Floral Foulard

Black quilted wool hood, faced with calico (a gold floral foulard on maroon background).
Yes, there are pins.
No, they are not in the finished hood.
I needed to get the picture taken while the light lasted.

Second hood. It also has a black wool exterior, wool batting and calico lining. The lining fabric has a small gold floral motif in a foulard pattern on a maroon background. This time, I used the outer wool fabric for the back ties, and the lining cotton for the interior ones; the interior ties are double-folded and stitched as in the instructions, but I used a narrow hem and the selvage to reduce the bulk on the wool ties.

This hood's unique points are that it is quilted (by machine, in lines parallel to the brim), and the edges are finished by folding the outer material over the lining. Having done both that and a bias binding, I think the bias binding is marginally easier. Folding over the fabric works alright when hemming by hand, but I do not recommend trying it on a machine as you can't ease the fabric.

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