Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 Costume Resolutions

 I have some actual deadlines/goals for this year:

  • One full 1873 ensemble. New corset, dress, and skirt supports will be needed. I can/will probably end up using 1850s chemise and drawers, since this is a one-day event. And indoors, so outerwear isn't as urgent. 
  • One full 1909 ensemble. Dress, corset, supports.. Suffrage event in summertime. I'm going to need one of those huge hats....

In my usual eras:

1570s: I would like a better-fitting kirtle and gown, but I'll settle for having 3 shifts and a pair of comfortable garters in time for fair.

18th century: Finish the cape, maybe mess around with the short gown pattern if I have time.

Regency: No goals, though I'll flag re-sizing dresses and upgrading my petticoat as the most needful things. Though I still would like a pelisse...

1850s: It's past time to focus on making new chemises and drawers. No other goals for this period, since those need to come first.

mid-20th century: Some warmer wool skirts for daily wear would be lovely, and maybe another split skirt for the summer.


I'm enjoying the machine knitting and intend to make a lot more socks, hopefully working out those square heels. 

I'd also like to try making 1 pair of shoes.

Getting my research projects posted and my blog drafts down below 50. (Currently: 95).

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