Friday, February 28, 2025

February Mending

A fairly busy mending month (especially as a proportion of overall sewing). After Steilacoom's open day at the beginning of the month, I fixed some escaped bones from my 1850s corset, the tie my plaid petticoat and a section of gathering which had disengaged from my pink apron. I was at Nisqually the last weekend, where I discovered several problems with my brown print (a few inches of detached skirt gauging, a section of loose neck binding, escaped cording on the left armscye, and a loose seam on the interior waistband lining), all of which have now been fixed. In between, I patched a pair of modern jeans, fixed a loose seam on a brace, reattached the elastic to some pjs, and secured two sets of escaping underwires. 

How it started.

My workbasket is still piled high with both mending and in-progress projects, but I did manage to clear all the garments from my travel workbag, and am most of the way back to having a functional 1850s outfit.

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