Friday, March 15, 2019

Winding Yarn

My irregular series on fiber crafting on a tight space/money budget, aka repurposing household objects. 

What to do when you have no umbrella winder to hold a skein? If you can't commandeer a nearby sibling, roommate or lover to hold it, try putting the yarn over the back of two chairs. 

Pros: no additonal equipment to buy; easily adjust for skein size by shifting chair positions; minimal snarky comments from voluntold assistants.

Cons: the chairs do not rotate, so you have to walk around them; does not provide fun commentary.

Two chairs placed back to back, a couple inches apart, holding a large skein of white around the backs.
Two chairs holding a yarn skein.


  1. Defintely been there! I also often have it draped over my legs with my knees as the center point if the yarn is reasonably well behaved. Whenever I don't have a helper, though, I usually wind up with weird clumps and so have to walk around the house trailing yarn to untangle. Which is a fun path to rewalk!

  2. What a great idea! I am putting this in my crafting hacks toolbox, for future reference.

  3. I've also use this method (chairs much farther apart) to measure out warp threads for weaving.


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