Living History Activities

Boy and girl with graces set, August 1863, Peterson's Magazine
Children with graces wands and hoop, Peterson's, August 1863

Many years ago, in a forum far, far away, a group of living history interpreters and non-military Civil War reenactors started brainstorming small, portable activities that could be adapted to various events. My part involved compiling a list of Victorian-era childrens' activity books, which eventually grew into page.


Play parlor games [Christmas is an ideal time for these, with or without forfeits.]
Play cards
Play charades
Toss handballs


Sing songs  [More for Christmas events]
Read aloud from a contemporary book, newspaper or magazine.
Write a letter [1861 sample letters, 1858 famous examples]
Put on a home theatrical
Arrange a lecture or sermon


Make a rolled doll.
Make paper dollsfurniture or flowers
Knit or crochet a warm garment
Make Christmas decorations


Have a quilting bee.
Do some plain sewing or fancy work.
Wash clothes*
Dress hair
Dress a doll

*Or don't. This is a labor-intensive activity that is expensive to equip and inconvenient to most transient events. When well-researched and properly stocked, a laundry presentation or demonstration can be very informative. However, poorly-researched impressions with modern feed-store implements are endemic in certain circles, and I'd rather not encourage more of them. Thus the link to Virginia Mescher's excellent article.

Additional Resources

Manners and Etiquette
The Behavior Book: A Manual for Ladies (1853-4) by Eliza Leslie 
Hints on Etiquette and the Usages of Society (1843-4) by Charles William Day
The Illustrated Manners Book (1855)

Preparing Period Food
Also featuring some good information on dining practices and servants' roles
Cook Books of the 19th Century
Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project
Historic Food Fortnightly (cooking challenges across all eras: lots of inspiration served)
Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management (linked right to the index)

Games and Activities

Household Tasks
The American Family Encyclopedia (1857)
Household Work, Or, The Duties of Female Servants (1850)
The Domestic Service Guide to Housekeeping (1865)
The Laundry Maid: Her Duties and How to Perform Them (1877)

General Advice & Correspondence 
Letters to Country Girls by Jane Grey Swisshelm (1853)
Inquire within upon everything (1856)
The art of letter-writing, illustrated by examples from the best authors (1858)
The hand-book of letter-writing (1861)
The Young Lady's Friend (1838)

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