2024 ended up being a pretty quiet year for new historical sewing projects. Instead, it was the year of mending (historic and modern garments), writing historical clothing programs for the museum, starting too many knitting projects, and of sewing projects that didn't quite fit the theme of this blog.
I did mostly end up sticking with the resolution to complete projects early: only one event this year saw me sewing late into the night before. My draft folder is, shamefully, back up to 114entries (including all the book reviews I put off from 2023). As for the Works-In-Progress basket:
Summer-weight 1850s dress (green plaid).I did complete this dress and wear it to an event. And, after a great deal of difficulty in pinning it neatly closed, discovered I somehow made half of the bodice 1/2" longer than the other half. Currently back in the basket, partially dissembled.Two 1850s chemises.I completed one and found all the pieces for several others.Another pair of 1850s drawersDone!.- Dotted Swiss undersleeves. I found and ironed all the pieces, and worked a couple seams, but didn't complete the project.
- 1912 wrap cape. No progress. I did, however, put the lining and fasteners onto the 18th century cloak I'd started in 2023.
- Wool and linen skirts/dresses for modern wear. I do need to replace my linen split skirt, but mostly focused on repairing it this summer rather than making a new one.
- Tudor wool gown. No progess.
Other projects this year: I finally made the guimpe for my 1909 travelling suit; also an early 19th century separate pocket (to go along with a program for work); knit some tudor garters; and finally re-made my favorite rolled sewing kit.